1000 The class is not loaded. 1001 The expression is not valid. 1002 Thread 1003 Unknown error. 1004 The function name is not valid. 1005 No executable code is associated with this line. 1006 Program 1007 Debug information has not been loaded for the class. 1008 The method is abstract. 1009 .NET 1010 Breakpoint Type Not Supported. 1011 A first chance exception of type '%s' occurred in %s\n 1012 An unhandled exception of type '%s' occurred in %s\n 1013 No symbols have been loaded for this document. 1014 No symbols have been found for this function. 1015 Symbols loaded. 1016 No symbols loaded. 1017 '%s': Loaded '%s', Symbols loaded. 1018 '%s': Loaded '%s', No symbols loaded. 1019 Unknown Module. 1020 The address is not in the managed address space. 1021 Unmanaged thread 1022 Unmanaged function 1023 Function breakpoints are only supported on the first line. 1024 1025 Line 1026 bytes 1027 The context does not belong to this program. 1028 The function has not yet been JIT compiled. 1029 Data breakpoints are not supported in the Common Language Runtime. 1030 The condition is invalid. 1031 Lowest 1032 Below Normal 1033 Normal 1034 Highest 1035 Above Normal 1036 Unknown 1037 Time Critical 1038 Idle 1039 \nAdditional information: %s\n 1040 CPU 1041 Flags 1042 Floating Point 1043 CPU Segments 1044 Due to the location of the changes in the source code during edit and continue, \nthe debugger is unsure which statement to execute next. Verify the instruction \npointer location and set next statement if required before continuing. 1045 Cannot apply Edit and Continue changes to '%s' : %s 1046 Unable to find an expression evaluator for the language. 1047 The Common Language Runtime was unable to set the breakpoint. 1048 Cannot set breakpoint in an unmanaged function. 1049 The breakpoint did not bind in the requested language. 1050 Cannot set a function breakpoint in an unmanaged function. 1051 Warning: A kernel debugger is present. Launch Debugger? 1052 [] 1053 SOS not available while Managed only debugging. To load SOS, enable unmanaged debugging in your project properties. 1054 The remote connection to the device has been lost. Please verify the device connection and restart debugging. 2001 Script 2002 unknown exception 2003 Script program 2004 Thread %X 2005 The document is not loaded. 2006 The code in the document is not loaded. 2007 Invalid breakpoint type. 2008 Unknown error. 2009 The expression is not valid. 2010 The sub or function name is not valid. 2011 No executable code is associated with this line. 2012 Script 2013 blank 5001 Debugging session on %s 5002 Auto-attach to process '[%1] %2' on machine '%3' succeeded. \n 5003 Auto-attach to process '[%1] %2' on machine '%3' failed. Error code %4. \n 5004 Attaching the %1 debugger to process '[%2] %3' on machine '%4' failed. Error code %5. \n 5005 unknown process 5006 unknown machine 5007 Auto-attach to process '[%1] %2' on machine '%3' failed. A debugger is already attached to the process. \n 6002 Thread 6006 Program 7000 error: function evaluation on '%s' failed 7001 error: function '%s' evaluation was aborted 7002 error: function '%s' evaluation timed out 7003 function '%s' evaluated and returned void 7004 function '%s' evaluated and returned null 7005 error: function '%s' cannot be evaluated on a thread that is suspended 7006 error: function '%s' cannot be evaluated on a thread that is sleeping, waiting, or in a join 7007 evaluation of function '%s' cannot take place because the thread is in a state in which function evaluation is not possible 7008 error: function '%s' cannot be evaluated on a thread that has not been started 7009 error: evaluation of function '%s' cannot take place because the thread is at a location at which function evaluation is not possible 7010 error: '%s' is not a function 7011 error: arguments do not match parameters for function '%s' 7012 error: IDE disallows function evaluations at this time 7013 error: IDE disallows side-effects at this time and the expression might produce side-effects 7014 error: Unable to evaluate a web method 7020 error: managed EE does not understand expression's syntax 7021 error: unable to evaluate expression 7022 error: identifier '%s' out of scope 7023 error: expression '%s' out of scope 7030 error: '%s' is null 7031 error: '%s.%s' does not exist 7040 error: * cannot be performed on '%s' 7041 error: & cannot be performed on '%s' 7050 error: '%s' is not an array or pointer. Indexing is not available 7051 error: '%s' is null. Indexing is not available 7052 error: index '%s' out of bound for pointer/array '%s' 7053 error: object '%s' doesn't have an indexer 7060 error: ++ cannot be performed on '%s' 7061 error: -- cannot be performed on '%s' 7062 error: ! cannot be performed on '%s' 7063 error: ~ cannot be performed on '%s' 7064 error: + cannot be performed on '%s' 7065 error: - cannot be performed on '%s' 7070 error: '(%s)' cannot be performed on '%s' 7080 error: == cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7081 error: != cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7090 error: + cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7091 error: - cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7092 error: * cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7093 error: / cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7094 error: mod operator cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 7100 error: cannot assign '%s' into '%s' 7110 error: unknown format specifier '%s' 7111 error: format specifier '%s' is incompatible with type '%s' 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 8000 error: function evaluation on '%s' failed 8001 error: function '%s' evaluation was aborted 8002 error: function '%s' evaluation timed out 8003 function '%s' evaluated and returned void 8004 function '%s' evaluated and returned null 8005 error: function '%s' cannot be evaluated on a thread that is suspended 8006 error: function '%s' cannot be evaluated on a thread that is sleeping, waiting, or in a join 8007 evaluation of function '%s' cannot take place because the thread is in a state in which function evaluation is not possible 8008 error: function '%s' cannot be evaluated on a thread that has not been started 8009 error: evaluation of function '%s' cannot take place because the thread is at a location at which function evaluation is not possible 8010 error: '%s' is not a function 8011 error: arguments do not match parameters for function '%s' 8012 error: IDE disallows function evaluations at this time 8013 error: IDE disallows side-effects at this time and the expression might produce side-effects 8014 error: Unable to evaluate a web method 8020 error: managed EE does not understand expression's syntax 8021 error: unable to evaluate expression 8022 error: identifier '%s' out of scope 8023 error: expression '%s' out of scope 8030 error: '%s' is null 8031 error: '%s.%s' does not exist 8040 error: * cannot be performed on '%s' 8041 error: & cannot be performed on '%s' 8050 error: '%s' is not an array or pointer. Indexing is not available 8051 error: '%s' is null. Indexing is not available 8052 error: index '%s' out of bound for pointer/array '%s' 8053 error: object '%s' doesn't have an indexer 8060 error: ++ cannot be performed on '%s' 8061 error: -- cannot be performed on '%s' 8062 error: ! cannot be performed on '%s' 8063 error: ~ cannot be performed on '%s' 8064 error: + cannot be performed on '%s' 8065 error: - cannot be performed on '%s' 8070 error: '(%s)' cannot be performed on '%s' 8080 error: == cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8081 error: != cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8090 error: + cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8091 error: - cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8092 error: * cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8093 error: / cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8094 error: mod operator cannot be performed on '%s' and '%s' 8100 error: cannot assign '%s' into '%s' 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206